Place born
Organisation / Person
1871-1948, aviator; inventor, American

Wright, Orville

1871 - 1948

1873-1903, inventor, British

Turner, Edward Raymond

1873 - 1903

1876-1958, poster artist; illustrator, British

Dexter, Walter

1876 - 1958

1887-1942, painter; artist; porcelain painter; poster artist, British

Tittensor, Harry

1887 - 1942

1866-1959, printer; publisher, London; Paris; New York

Raphael Tuck and Sons Limited

1866 - 1959

1853-1917, inventor; camera manufacturer; manufacturer of optical devices; camera retailer, Belgian

van Neck, Louis

1853 - 1917

1850-1923, surgeon, British; English

Harrison Cripps, William

1850 - 1923

1862-1928, naturalist, author and lecturer, British

Kearton, Richard

1862 - 1928

1867-1944,active 1890-1920s, inventor; scientific & medical instrument maker, Austrian

Castagna, Ludwig

1867 - 1944

1863-1939; artist, British

Carter, Sir William

1863 - 1939

1883-1966, cartoonist; illustrator; poster artist, British; Welsh

Thomas, Herbert Samuel

1883 - 1966

1885-1939, sculptor; medallist, French

Dammann, Paul-Marcel

1885 - 1939

1889-1926, camera and cinema equipment manufacturer, Dresden, Germany

Ernemann Werke

1889 - 1926

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1862-1969, brand 1862-1988, confectionary manufacturer, British


1862 - 1988

1848-1903, engineer, English; British

Holt, Henry Percy

1848 - 1903

1886-1924, lens manufacturer, Leicester, England

Taylor, Taylor and Hobson Limited

1886 - 1924

1885-1965, artist; sculptor; medallist, British

Preston, Edward Carter

1885 - 1965

active 1840s, barometer maker, London

Pastorelli and Son

1848 - 1849

1872-1944, artist, photographer, France

Dubreuil, Pierre

1872 - 1944

1858-1932, marine boiler designer, English; British

Reed, Joseph W

1858 - 1932

1887-1960 (though name Raleigh still used), motor bike and cycle manufacturer, Nottingham, England

Raleigh Cycle Company Limited

1887 - 1960

1880-1934, paleopathologist, American

Moodie, Roy Lee

1880 - 1934

1889-1982, electrical engineer; inventor, Russian; American

Zworykin, Vladimir Kosma

1889 - 1982

1853-1967, tool manufacturers, Salford, England

Craven Brothers Limited

1853 - 1967

1864-1950, photographer, British; English

Robinson, Alfred Hind

1864 - 1950

1868-1947, manufacturer of chemicals, Battersea, London, England

Whiffen and Sons Limited

1868 - 1947

1873-1928, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Sims, Charles Henry

1873 - 1928

1882-1973, son of Edgar Tarry Adams, British

Adams, Francis Norris

1882 - 1973

1872-1927, telegraph communications, United Kingdom

Eastern Telegraph Company

1872 - 1927

1876-1965, locomotive engineer and railway administrator, British

Stanier, Sir William Arthur

1876 - 1965

1851-1923, locomotive engineer, British

Ivatt, Henry A

1851 - 1923

1883-1928, light bulb filament manufacturer, Newcastle-upon-Tyne

Royal Ediswan

1883 - 1928

1851-1929, inventor, German-born; ethnically Jewish; American

Berliner, Emile

1851 - 1929

1879-1959, aviator; aircraft manufacturer; British; English

Grahame-White, Claude

1879 - 1959

1880-1969, artist; poster artist, British

Flint, Sir William Russell

1880 - 1969

1877-1955, sculptor; medallist, French

Camus, Jean Marie

1877 - 1955

1863-1933, spirit photographer, British

Hope, William

1863 - 1933

1864-1896, railway company, Jersey

Jersey Railways

1864 - 1936

1864-1959, submarine telegraph cable manufacturer, British

Telegraph Construction & Maintenance Co. Limited

1864 - 1959

1879-1941, poster artist, British

Gawthorn, Henry George

1879 - 1941

1871-1883, railway company, British

Scotswood, Newburn & Wylam Railway & Dock Company

1871 - 1883

1875-1949, aeronautical engineer; philosopher; author, British

Dunne, John William

1875 - 1949

1883-1991, telecommunications manufacturer, London

Standard Telephones and Cables PLC

1883 - 1991

1848-1912, engraver; medallist, Italian

Giorgi, Luigi

1848 - 1912

1888-1969, Chief Engineer fof London & North Eastern Railway, England, Scottish

Train, Sir John Cumberland Landale

1888 - 1969

1889-1976, physicist; meteorologist, British

Dobson, Gordon Miller Bourne

1889 - 1976

1854-1923, railway administrator, London

Brewer, John Jennings

1854 - 1923

active 1865-1965, bell manufacturers, Whitechapel

Mears & Stainbank Founders

1865 - 1965

1863-1935, journalist, travel book writer, British

Fletcher, J. S.

1863 - 1935